Episode 319: Five Simple Feng Shui Spring Cleaning Tips
In feng shui we embrace the seasonal shifts to inform changes in our home. As winter recedes and the promise of spring grows closer, we naturally feel compelled to spring clean our space. Open your windows, grab a mop and your favorite non-toxic cleaning solution because today we are sharing our five favorite simple feng shui spring cleaning tips to supercharge your home’s energy!
We cover:
The importance of a tidy entry
The benefits of opening windows to let in fresh air and clear stagnant qi
A clean stove as a symbol of health, wealth and resources
Nourishing yourself by deep cleaning your refrigerator and pantries
And much more!
Mentioned in this episode:
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Time stamps for the episode:
[00:47] Introduction
[01:40] Tidy the front door
[03:52] Open your windows
[05:37] Clean your stove
[06:46] Deep clean your refrigerator and pantry
[08:53] Deep bathroom cleansing
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