Episode 309: A Flower Ally for Every Zodiac Animal with Katie Hess of Lotus Wei
We are excited to welcome Katie Hess of LOTUSWEI back to the podcast! It’s become an annual tradition for Katie to join us at the beginning of each new year to talk about the energy of the year ahead. We share a little bit about what each Chinese Zodiac animal can expect in 2025, and Katie shares a personalized flower elixir recommendation to support each of the animals.
Discussed in this episode:
What to expect in 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake
Qualities of the wood element
Qualities of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac
Suggestions for working with the energy of 2025 based on your birth year animal
Katie’s flower elixir recommendation for each zodiac animal
Flower essences that everyone can benefit from in the Year of the Snake
and much more!
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Katie Hess is a flower alchemist and the founder of LOTUSWEI, one of the world's leading floral apothecaries. After 15 years of independent research of flower and plant-based healing, her flower-powered community is thriving in over 15 countries.
LOTUSWEI website: www.lotuswei.com
Follow LOTUSWEI on Instagram: @lotuswei
Time stamps for the episode:
[07:38] For the year of Wood Snake: Wild Abundance
[13:01] Flower ally for the Rat: Bee Orchid
[14:19] Flower ally for the Ox: Fern
[16:23] Flower ally for the Tiger: Angelica
[18:09] Flower ally for the Rabbit: Silky Fringe
[19:32] Flower ally for the Dragon: Cacao Flower
[22:08] Flower ally for the Snake: Skyrocket
[24:40] Flower ally for the Horse: Rein Orchid
[26:26] Flower ally for the Ram: Wild Snapdragon
[27:56] Flower ally for the Monkey: Celosia
[30:16] Flower ally for the Rooster: Radiance Orchid
[32:25] Flower ally for the Dog: Shell Ginger
[33:45] Flower ally for the Pig: Lady’s Mantle
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