Episode 024: Creating Holistic Spaces for Inspiration



Episode 024: Creating Holistic Spaces for Inspiration
Anjie Cho, Holistic Spaces Podcast

In January, I was asked to choose a word for the year 2016, and I chose "inspiration." I find that there are so many ways to create and find inspiration in our everyday lives, and one great way to tap into this is by creating a holistic space! Inspiration is so important, and I want to offer insight into how creating a holistic space can help bring inspiration to your life. 

  • What is inspiration?

  • How can you create an environment that invokes inspiration?

  • Invoking inspiration in your holistic spaces

I hope you can use these tips to transform your home into an inspirational holistic space where you feel nourished and uplifted. I would love to hear about the ways you encourage inspiration in your holistic space!

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