EPISODE 090: Aligning with Fire Summer Energy with Stacy Scott
Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash
In this episode, we’re excited to welcome Mindful Design Feng Shui School graduate Stacy Scott, founder of Sanctuary Feng Shui. We talked to Stacy about aligning with summer’s fire energy, and working with the fame & recognition area of the feng shui bagua map.
What the Li area of the bagua represents, and why you might want to work on it (to find Li in your home download our free bagua kit)
Stacy’s experience working with the Li area in her own home
Why we sometimes avoid working on this area
How fame and reputation are connected to career
Stacy’s suggestions for improving visibility and recognition
Potential stumbling blocks when working with fire energy
Why it can be helpful to work with a consultant rather than doing your own feng shui
Stacy’s upcoming workshop Unleash Your Inner Boss Babe: Feng Shui Your Workspace Like a Pro
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Stacy Scott, founder of Sanctuary Feng Shui, is a Feng Shui practitioner and expert in everyday living. She partners with forward looking folks ready to welcome in the possible by energetically calibrating their life and home. You can find her most days overly caffeinated. Connect on the ‘gram @sanctuaryfengshui or email Stacy at stacy@sanctuaryfengshui.com.