Episode 039: Space Clearing with Feng Shui



Space Clearing with Sage.jpeg

This week's podcast is all about space clearing! If you've read the Holistic Spaces blog, you may know that space clearing is incredibly important in feng shui. There are many ways to clear your space, and each of them works just as well, but what's so important about clearing space before using feng shui adjustments?

Do you have any upcoming events or auspicious dates that may need space clearing? Try one of these methods or enlist the help of a feng shui expert and see if you can feel the difference in your space afterward!

If you have questions about space clearing or other green design or feng shui aspects, please let us know! You could even be featured in our Q&A Sunday series.

If you are interested in more private consultation or have urgent questions, check out our new 15-minute consultation call option. 

If you like the tips we share in the Holistic Spaces podcast, sign up for our newsletter to get even more insight on green design, feng shui and holistic living and check back next week when we discuss feng shui and new beginnings!