Episode 296: 7 Feng Shui Space Clearing Must-Haves

Episode 296: 7 Feng Shui Space Clearing Must-Haves

When making an effort to shift the qi of any space, whether it’s your home or office, quite often the best place to start is with a space clearing ritual. Over time, qi accumulates and this energy can really affect your present and future circumstances, so we want to make sure that it is positive and supportive. In order to do this, it’s important to regularly clear your space of any unhelpful or stagnant energy. For this week’s episode, we are going through our top seven space clearing rituals and how they can be implemented to best ensure that the qi of any space stays vibrant and fresh.

What we talk about in this episode:

  • Tibetan metal bells and how their sounds can cut through any stagnant energy like a sword

  • Reciting mantras or prayers as an effective way to clear a space

  • Smoke cleansing with incense and herbs

  • The absorbent qualities of salt

  • Essential oils to dramatically shift the energy and clear a space

  • Black tourmaline to repel negative qi

  • Fresh oranges for vibrant yang energy

    and much more!

If you want to dive deeper, be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you can take our upcoming free workshops and giveaways!

Time stamps for the episode:

  • [02:33] Introduction

  • [03:10] Bells and chimes

  • [04:44] Mantras

  • [07:36] Herbs and incense

  • [11:04] Salts

  • [13:58] Essential oils

  • [16:05] Black tourmaline

  • [18:12] Oranges

Thanks so much for listening to the Holistic Spaces Podcast brought to you by Mindful Design Feng Shui School!


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