Episode 322: Feng Shui Tips for Creating a Space for Well-Being
As we welcome the warm sunshine of April, many of us are neck deep in spring cleaning and space clearing. The vibrant energy of the season can inspire us to embark on new projects with a reinvigorated sense of purpose. As exciting as all this may be, these kinds of big undertakings can often be overwhelming and exhausting. It’s important to remember to pace and show ourselves some self love. On today’s episode we are exploring different ways that feng shui can be utilized to create calm and nurturing spaces for ourselves as we spring forth with renewed energy!
We cover:
Incorporating the energy of the earth element in creating a calming space
How to locate and honor the self love corner of your home
Creating a dedicated space for well-being
How rose quartz can invoke the earth element
Round mirrors to invite self-reflection
And much more!
Mentioned in this episode:
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Time stamps for the episode:
[00:55] Introduction
[04:07] Working with the earth element
[05:46] Locating and working with the self love corner of your home
[05:47] The wood element and spring
[09:57] Creating a space for well-being
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