Episode 312: Welcoming the Year of the Snake for Each Zodiac Animal, Part 2
For part two of our overview of this year’s energy forecast we are covering the remaining six animals of the Chinese zodiac for Year of the Wood Snake, as well as what you can expect based on your birth year animal’s relationship to the Snake.
We cover:
The Snake as a symbol of transformation and healing
The softness of Yin in a Wood year
3 Feng shui tips for every one to do in the Year of the Wood Snake
Why those born in the year of the Horse may want to take a page from the Snake’s book and slow down
The soft, earthy nature of the Ram and how it will be supported this year
The year of the Snake is auspicious for those born in the year of the Monkey
The natural harmony that occurs between the Rooster and the Snake
The loyalty of the dog being a good match for the Snake
Why those born in the year of the Pig may have a challenging year ahead
Mentioned in this episode:
Welcoming the Year of the Snake for Each Zodiac Animal, Part 1
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Time stamps for the episode:
[01:58] Three feng shui tips for everyone
[06:33] The meaning of yin wood
[12:02] The Horse
[13:25] The Ram
[15:23] The Monkey
[17:10] The Rooster
[19:08] The Dog
[20:15] The Pig
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Find harmony and ease with feng shui in 2025 Year of the Wood Snake