Episode 121: Unseen Energies with Chongtul Rinpoche


EPISODE 121: Unseen Energies with Chongtul Rinpoche

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

Episode 121: Unseen Energies with Chongtul Rinpoche
Anjie Cho & Laura Morris, Mindful Design

In this episode we are delighted to interview Chongtul Rinpoche, founder of Bon Shen Ling and teacher of the Bon religion. We loved talking to him about Bon, some of the connections between Bon and feng shui, and connecting to our own energy as a way to offer more peace to the world.

We cover:

Thanks so much for listening to the Holistic Spaces Podcast brought to you by Mindful Design Feng Shui School!


Chongtul Rinpoche is the founder of Bon Shen Ling, the Tibetan Bon Education Fund located in New Jersey. Bon Shen Ling is a place for the Bon practice of compassion. Chongtul Rinpoche has been teaching Bon religion in North America over the last decade. Each year, the number of student increases because of a growing interest in meditation and in the Bon religion. Rinpoche believes that the interest in Bon reflects a growing desire for peace. 

Bon Shen Ling website: bonshenling.org

Learn more about Chongtul Rinpoche